3 Questions to Ask If You Want to Buy Your Dream Home. Those are the three basic questions that you want to ask yourself and answer as explained in today's article but I would like to expand on that a little. When making your home selection be sure to find one that "fits" (you know the feeling like when you find the right jeans or the right shoes). Seriously, if you feel great when you are in the home and the floor plan is right for your needs and the neighborhood feels comfortable - then go for it, you found a home. Of course your home is also an investment which you look toward bring you a financial return in the future, but unless you are looking at the home exclusively as an investment (think rental house here) - you want to be sure you will be happy there for however long you stay. How soon does it happen? No defined answer on that. Personally, I have bought the first house TWICE in my lifetime (imagine, love at first sight - twice!) - you may need to look at 5 or 10 houses. Use our website and search for the home that is right for you. If we can help. let us know.