Not everything is suitable to DIY

Many of us like to give "DIY" a fair chance - and on some things, that is not a bad idea or way to save money. But there are things that are more complex or have dangers or have a very large sum of money involved. There are reasons to use a professional - check it out


It is that time of the year - Halloween! But buying a home - any time of the year - should not be scary. REALTORS are trained professionals and do these buy or sell transactions so they can guide you along the way. Read more in today's bit of information - and call me or your favorite REALTOR so you can buy now - before prices climb!

Buy what you can afford

It is time for the Millennials for sure. That first house will always have a special place in life's memories - but do your best to make them good memories - don't over buy! It is easy to get talked "up" but, the truth is - there will be more opportunities depending on your future needs. Read more about Millennials now

My crystal ball is not working - but

My prediction is prices will be up. And, I believe interest rates will be too. Time to make the move and get more house for your dollar. Read more on that

Millennials - it is your turn!

Your turn to live the American Dream - and have a home of your own - and all the benefits that come with it. We specialize in first time buyers (we were a first time buyer once). Contact us for help - meanwhile, read more

Medicare – notices. Example of HUGE Government WASTE

It is that time of year – people on Medicare receive books about next year’s coverage from the government. Then all the insurance companies print their books covering the Medicare coverage – advantage plans, etc. – over and over every year. The book from Uncle Sam is about 168 pages and there is something like 50 million* people on the roles. Conservatively guessing at a cost of $2 a book eliminating printed books could save around $100 million or so. Why not switch to all email (or just make the book available on line) – with an opt-IN for paper copies (maybe something like a fill in post card at the post office for those who actually want the paper copy – even an 800# call in to request a copy). First – most people have email – those that don’t probably won’t read the book anyway (sorry – reality). Human nature is such that we want to be spoon fed information. Second, most people probably do not read the entire book – if any of it at all. They may read a section that pertains to them. Third, folks can get help from family, library or other if there is a need to browse the book. Fourth, an email file or an online version of the book is searchable – paper is more cumbersome. The point is – there is no real NEED to print all the books. There is no need to cut all the trees to print the books, no need to create more landfills and so on. Time for the Government to get with COST SAVINGS – if they need to spend the money – spend it on people! *

Do you know your FICO?

Credit scoring has been around for at least a quarter century. Whether you are buying a home now, thinking about it in the future - or just curious to know your score and how it affects YOU - it is pretty easy to check up on yourself with your annual free credit report. Here is where to get it for FREE (no gimmicks folks - I sell homes, not credit reports)

Have you considered new construction?

We have shown a number of clients that they can afford to build to their specifications - a home where you have made the selections is unlike any other! We have residential construction credentials - if you need help with your new home - the builders pays us, it cost you nothing and may save you a lot of money. Read more on new construction

Steady as she goes

That is an old naval term actually. As for real estate, "pending" steady can be a good thing, perhaps growth would be even better - but either way, the trend is not down and that is a good thing. Now what does that mean to you? You can find out

How much equity do you have?

You can ask your favorite REALTOR to do a market analysis - or you can hire an appraiser. You may have gone from negative equity to more than you think. Read more about it

UP is a sign of a healthy market

But UP also means prices will go up and probably interest rates too. Now is a good time to buy - kinda like "beat the rush". Read more market information - but remember, real estate is always local.

Singing Hills

Beautiful choice of names for a planned community in Bulverde. I was up there yesterday visiting clients and saw that the new Walmart is open. Curiosity got the best of me so I drove through as much of the area as was open. It is huge! Here is a link to the development: Singing Hills It looks like it is going to be something really special and great for Bulverde!

The Demand is there

If you are thinking about selling, there is no better time than when demand exceeds supply. Read more