Tiny Bubbles

That is the name of an old song. In real estate we sometimes hear about an impending bubble. Of course they happen. But not now - check this out

Share the reasons to list today

Of course, you may want to list first. Have a look and then call me

There are reasons to use an agent

Would you like to know more

About the mortgage process

It is not terribly complicated - but there are things helpful to know. Check it out

Not enough to sell - then

Then - is challenging many markets - and pricing. Read more

There are many reasons actually

But the main reason to use a Professional is

Sometimes the gap is huge

The appraiser's opinion counts - just ask the bank! Want to know more

What If - is a big question

Sometimes the answer is clear. Read more

Go Local (for pricing)

Prices in general are up - and real estate once again is recovering. Checkout the report and remember to talk to your local real estate professional for more. Have a look

History repeats

The American dream - the building of wealth in America - real estate over time is a solid investment. How many times have we heard that? The history of real estate is out there. A way to increase personal or family wealth is real estate. Are you ready for your next move? More on the subject