Happy New Year 2020

We wish everyone all the best in 2020. And, thank you to all who read and follow this blog. You are appreciated. Al

Buying a Home Can Be Scary

Buying a Home Can Be Scary Until You Know the Facts, the Costs and the Affordability Factor!

The truth is - people buy homes everyday! You can buy one too.

Over 70% of buyers put down LESS than 20% (really). Almost 80% of applications were APPROVED (we suggest advance approval BEFORE home shopping). Gets the FACTS in today's report.

And, while the AVERAGE credit scores recently were in the low 700's, keep in mind, that is the average - meaning many scores were much lower. And, keep in mind, the only way to GET APPROVED is to APPLY!

So many focus on the "price" of a home. Did you know the price is not the true cost of the home?

To better understand that, I am going to point you directly to today's article and the chart on purchasing power. We also have more on our page dedicated to purchasing power and it is worth a look!

Many times I am asked about AFFORDABILITY. The question is, can you afford not to?

Did you know that because of high rents, owning your own home might be cheaper! Yeah - read that again. Don't just believe in the myths surrounding homeownership - check it out.

You pay rent every month - right? If you don't you soon get thrown out. If you do, next month you get to do it again. And, next year - chances are it will be for a higher amount of rent.

BREAK THE CYCLE. If you WANT to own a home - then try for it. Plain and simple! Get pre-approved and start shopping. Want someone to take the journey with you? Call me and let's just do it.

One more reading assignment today. Check it out.

San Antonio Love

A short tour of San Antonio. Hope you like it.

Chicago - A Windy City

Made this video of the city I was born in. Thought I would share it with you.

A Means to an End

Your home is your investment - in yourself - in your future. Your home is a forced savings plan. Your landlord likes to give you rent receipts while you pay the landlords mortgage! Would you rather not pay your own mortgage? We have: https://www.sanantonio.homes

Do You Have Dreams

Do You Have Dreams - about having your own home? Perhaps it is time to act on it. You know the story - if you do not try..... We are here to help. Let's explore the options and get you pre-approved first. Then,time to shop! Place to shop: https://www.sanantonio.homes

A Christmas Tree Story

Well, let’s begin with age! This tree is either 61 years old or 66 years old. You read that right – you are looking at a Christmas tree that is over 60 years old!

Unfortunately, no clues to share on the history of this tree other than the box was original and disintegrating badly by the time I got it. It was so falling apart that the tree box went into another box just to hold everything together. The original box had a manufacturer's date that appeared to be 1953 – making the tree 66 years old – though recent research points more toward 1958. No matter, that is a long time for any Christmas tree to hang around and remain in mint condition.

The tree was manufactured in Wisconsin by the Evergleam Company. There is a great article about Evergleam written by Dave Hoekstra (1) and another by the Manitowoc County Historical Society (2). It goes back to a time when manufacturing in America was the norm and aluminum Christmas trees have a history of their own in that era – more can be found in Wikipedia (3). Aluminum trees were “the rage” for quite a while in homes across America and the American spirit of competitiveness kicked in creating a market for trees having under 100 branches to those with over 400 branches and everything in between depending on the height of the tree. There was an appliance - furniture retailer in Chicagoland known as Polk Brothers (now gone) and it’s leader, Sol Polk known for his marketing savvy who popularized aluminum trees and plastic Santa’s that were about 5 feet tall (4)– by making either available for $5 with a purchase!

Aluminum tree popularity continued and folks tried hard to make theirs “different”. The trees came with a warning not to use string lights that were so popular on “live” trees – and some folks were shocked to find out that was good advice!

The lighting of the day was typically a flood light. The flood light was either white, a static color or even more popular was a rotating wheel that caused the tree to change color in a slow continuous cycle. Today, I create that effect with a low energy led.

And then there was the pink aluminum Christmas tree – check an article by WUWM (5) from Milwaukee. You can buy aluminum trees today on eBay (6) and Esty (7).

Sorry, my tree is not for sale! None of the links below are monetized, so if you want to read more, all the links you need are below.

Hope y’all have a very Merry Christmas – only about a week to go!

(1) http://www.davehoekstra.com/2018/12/05/imy-first-evergleam-christmas-tree/

(2) https://www.manitowoccountyhistory.org/programs/aluminumtrees

(3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminum_Christmas_tree

(4) https://www.google.com/search?q=polk+bros+christmas+tree&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS869US869&sxsrf=ACYBGNRcIMzT57SAYgMRMZX3YI0eTvVtHg:1575783021616&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=rqNWKSmjh5lXsM%253A%252Ct3ESx6jkHIwQ3M%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kRuNERK3xmugQUIavustFysu5e6Cw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2_fuZqaXmAhVCcq0KHS2VDBMQ9QEwAnoECAoQDA#imgrc=_&vet=1

(5) https://www.wuwm.com/post/remember-aluminum-trees-wisconsin-made-evergleams-are-making-comeback#stream/0

(6) https://www.ebay.com/b/Aluminium-Christmas-Tree/33849/bn_55186952?rt=nc&_pgn=5

(7) https://www.etsy.com/market/evergleam

San Antonio Homes YouTube Channel

WOW! The report shows we had our best performance month since we did that hugely popular video for the nuns' fundraiser several years ago.

A great big THANK YOU to all who have viewed our videos and especially the new one for the Family of San Antonio Homes.

We really appreciate followers too, so if you have not yet visited our channel - and followed, please give us a look. Most videos are short and deliver a simple real estate message.

So You Are Thinking FSBO

The first thought may be - "Of course he is pitching against FSBO - he is a real estate agent".

And my answer is - "partially true, but it is because I know the stats, not because I am biased about this".

Read on. What I am sharing with you comes from the pros - and market experience.

It is a myth that selling by owner nets you more money!

And, the 6% would just about cover the cost of a professional - eliminating a lot of work, risks and liability for the selling owner!

The number one point to consider is that the FSBO buyer KNOWS you are saving the cost of a professional agent.

In their view, the seller can give it up "to sell". What you are trying to save, so is the buyer.

How good are you at negotiating?

How much time do you have to negotiate?

Do you want to negotiate with everyone on the list?

Pricing is usually viewed as the biggest concern.

My view on this is not the norm. If you are satisfied with the price, then fine.

My biggest concern for sellers is your personal safety and the risk of scams. We all know about the things that happen today. Bad things even happen to real estate agents. It is a fact of life.

This is why folks hire us.

I can't speak to every agent - each is an independent business person. Each of us pursues education to get licensed and continuing education to keep the license. Some agents pursue additional education over and above the requirements. I do.

The point is, it may look easy to buy and sell a house on your own, but if it were that easy - then why all the education requirements?

We just make it look easy :-)

C2EX Endorsement

It took a year to get this one done - and a lot of work. The C2EX is a part of the continuing journey to excellence. Awarded 11-23-2019. Just wanted to share this with you. Thanks for following our blog.

Thank You for Making Me Your Advisor

Real estate is not just about a commission earned from representing a buyer or a seller. It is about relationships with clients, other agents and folks involved in the process. It is about helping folks find the right home of their choice. It is about helping folks when years later they call and ask for help with home or real estate related advice. And it is a great feeling when clients simply call you when it has been more than 10 years since they purchased their home! So allow me the opportunity to say "thank you" to all of you!

Buyer's or Seller's Market?

The real answer is - all it all depends! In lower priced homes, there is not enough inventory and a seller's market. In upper end or higher priced homes, there is an excess inventory - more homes available than there are buyers for the homes - or a buyer's market. Right now, there is a dual market depending on the price of the home you are considering. Check out this short video and if we can help you sell your home and or buy a new home, reach out and let's talk about it. https://www.sanantonio.homes

Millennials Guide to Homeownership – Winter 2020

In the past two days we have shared the home buyer's guide and the home seller's guide. If you have not read or downloaded them yet, it is worth checking them out. Right now, we are sharing all of these guides as pdf files with no registration required!

Today, we are giving you a special guide written with millennials in mind. Download now and share with someone who can benefit from all the information in this free guide.

ENGLISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wphIJO3srFGQTIxfjosbNc6_z5M0qzh4/view?usp=sharing

SPANISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KEBrX8Mpr5QdcNSFQTBYcN0As25_PfcK/view?usp=sharing

Home Selling Guide - Winter 2020

Today we are sharing the newest edition of the Home Seller Guide - Winter 2020. If you missed yesterday's post, check it out for the Home Buyer Guide - Winter 2020.

Once again, this is available to you as a pdf for immediate download. Feel free to share with family and friends.

If you are looking to buy or sell - or both - we are available for a free consultation. Check out the homes and properties for sale at https://www.sanantonio.homes

ENGLISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ovnTEfouVRHnNlsiwYWcy-B9Qq-gfzln/view?usp=sharing

SPANISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gsq7xVEwYGhymiyCPSORtqFAN8Y52VcF/view?usp=sharing

Home Buying Guide Winter 2020

They have arrived!

The new editions are out. Today I am sharing the home buyer guide and tomorrow look for the home seller guide. I am also making them available to you as a direct download pdf file - no registration required.

Download and share with family and friends!

ENGLISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LQbgHKmztsfxGSB1KMKIGyhkgPCJEH-/view?usp=sharing

SPANISH https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LlX3SB8PtC6I0NdQdPJ34Frc7rXGM0VZ/view?usp=sharing

San Antonio ONE -25k

Excited to share this and say "Thank You" to our viewers.

San Antonio ONE is an eclectic collection of eZines - 5 in this group and 30 in another. This small group has now been viewed over 25,000 times.

If you are not yet a follower, check it out - explore and see what we have to offer: www.SanAntonio.ONE