Still a Seller's Market

Anything under a 6 month inventory supply is considered a seller's market. Even though the supply of homes for sale has increased, we are still short of demand. What is worse, is homes on the lower end, the ones considered to be "starter homes" are even in shorter supply. If you have a home and have thought about moving on, moving up - this is a great opportunity. Check out the video. Check out the market. Call me. Let's talk. Let's do it.

You Need This App

I don’t believe that I have ever headlined with a “you need this” before – but seriously folks – have a look at this app – and it is free. They gave me a bunch of licenses to give away.

Whether you are a home owner or a renter - this is important for you.

So – first, watch the short video. then, some of the things I think are really cool – you buy something like a refrigerator, scan it and – you have the item in your home inventory “just in case”, you have quick and easy access to the appliance manual if you need it and if it is a device with suggested maintenance you’ll get reminders. You will also get other reminders – like I got one today to check my fire extinguishers and make sure they are in working order. How great is that.

A couple times a year I think they send you a greeting from me. This is not something I abuse because I hate spam and I think you lose business that way. So much for that.

Oh, one other – on the cool side. We have uploaded various business that we have used or have been recommended – so if something breaks or gets cranky, just check the available. AND – the app allows you to customize your own. You can add businesses you like or frequent and if you want to recommend them for everyone, send me a note and I’ll do that.

Hope to see you there soon. Here is the app:

PS: If you are not in the San Antonio area, go ahead anyway, you will just need to put in your own favorite local resources. All the other benefits are worth it!

San Antonio Apartment Rentals

We are getting there - the San Antonio Apartment Rentals website is almost complete. Many new features have been added including links to search for rental homes, home buying opportunities and all kinds of things to do in and around San Antonio. Be sure to check it out today - and, of course share the link with at least 1000 of your best friends. Thank you. San Antonio Apartment Rentals

Living in Texas Today

Today, we would like to introduce you to our newest website - and search tool - for Texas real estate. You can search the San Antonio home and property listings from the San Antonio MLS (this is coming directly from SABOR - THE San Antonio MLS itself - so latest and greatest) - AND - you can research a ton of information about other areas and demographics in Texas. Be sure to give it a try and send me some feedback. This is NEW - brand spanking NEW!!! Living in Texas Today

3 Reasons People Are Selling Today

Whatever your reason for selling, it is still a great time to get it done and move on. We are sharing 3 common reasons in this short video. Give us a call and let's talk about your reason for considering it.