Today we are about - The Importance of Using a Professional to Sell Your Home. I am on board with the DIY concept - on some things! Selling or buying a home is not on that list. You may react and say that is because I am a real estate agent. Well, the truth is I now better understand why using an agent is most important because I have expanded my knowledge about all the things that could go wrong. But, in all the years before I became an agent I always hired a REALTOR to represent me either as a buyer or a seller. In other words, I fully practiced what I preach. Each year our political bureaucracy seems to make the laws about buying and selling more complex (well, they make EVERYTHING more complex). As a real estate professional, we need to keep up with all those rules to best serve our clients. If you are not in the business of real estate, it would be next to impossible to keep up! The folks who tally up statistics have documented time and time again that sellers get a better return when they hire a professional to sell their home - and the vast majority who try the DIY route eventually switch to hiring a Realtor to sell their home. Of course, it is a matter of personal choice and the decision is up to you. For more information, check out today's article