How Fast Can You Save for a Down Payment? There is a danger here. It can take years to save up for a down payment and during that time prices will likely being up as will the cost of the place you are renting and everything else in modern day life. So, the best plan to counter this and move on (and in to) home ownership is to go with a lesser down payment and take advantage of any special first time buyer programs out there. If you have military entitlement as so many do in our town, that is a tremendous advantage and you can act on it now. It is time to live the American Dream folks - don't let anything get in the way of trying. Read through the posts on this blog - there are compelling reasons to go for it. If you know someone who is not yeat a homeonwer, please share this post and this blog with them. Help out a family member or a friend. For more information have a look at today's article