House-Buying Power

Buying Power at Near-Historic Levels

Have a look inside today’s report. Starting the graph in 1991 and comparing house prices through to today, after adjustments, house buying power is greater today than in the past. Click through to the “Real House Price Index”- then call me and let’s get you approved today!

Homes More Affordable Today than 1985-2000

Let’s look at the favorable index in another way – payments. Mortgage payments on the typical American home are less today as a percentage of income than in 1985-2000 and 2006. The job market is good and the housing market has regained a high level of confidence!

Making a Home for the Brave Possible

Have you served your country? Are you eligible for a VA loan? It is one of the most amazing benefits that veterans can look forward to and I look forward to helping veterans get into their dream home. We are pleased to work with mortgage folks who can make that happen for you. Call and let’s just move on it. Make your home your own!