The real estate and home buying market changes constantly. We go from buyer's market to seller's market, too much inventory to not enough inventory, easy credit to tight credit and so much more. When you are looking at buying or selling - having current information is so very important. Today. we look at the market from the buyers side. And, just a reminder - you can get our free Buyer Guide for more information
Number of Buyers Putting Down Less Than 10% Hits 7-Year High
WOW - things are easing up a bit since the great crash. If you are looking to get into your own home and enjoy the lifestyle and benefits, it is time to take a serious look. Prices go up, rates go up - waiting gets expensive! Have a look at today's report
Top 5 Reasons Why Millennials Choose to Buy
The number one reason is to control their own living space. It is an investment you can live in. Stocks, bonds, gold and other investments do not put a roof over your head. Learn more reasons Millennials buy
More Than Half of All Buyers Are Surprised by Closing Costs
That even comes as a shock to me! Until I think back to my earlier days and before we bought our first house. There was the day of reckoning and OMG! Too bad we do not have a more in depth courses in high school - about how to buy a home and what to expect. Somehow, we survive it and home buying still happens. What to know
4 Reasons to Buy a Home This Fall!
Actually, that headline can be changed to "4 Reasons to Buy a Home NOW!" It does not matter. If you look at the reasons to buy, they apply to the "here and now". Seriously, there are valid reasons to jump in and become a homeowner. It is a lifestyle. So, call me - Al