Get Alerts

What does Get Alerts do - and what does it look like?

One of the great advantages of our hometown website is NO ADS!  And, our site has a pretty cool user interface open to all whether you are a client or not. We won't lie - if you are not a client, we hope one day you will be.

If you are shopping for a home, visit www.SanAntonio.Homes. Search as often as you like, any time you like - but if you are busy and have other things to do - or if you want to be among the early birds to find out when a new listing is added or a price changes, use our GET ALERTS feature and let the computer do the task for you. You will find the alert option under the BUYERS drop down.

This is what the page will look like:

Alerts are easy to set up - and there are instructions should you need help.

YOU choose the criteria of when you should be notified, and how often. I have one of my own set up to keep an eye on a certain area of interest. Mine is set up for a daily email and this is what that email looks like:

OK, not the best image I ever posted, but shrinking it was not easy. I also blocked out the listing information intentionally.

There you have it. You receive a simple email from us, a click option if you want to see the home and our phone number in case you want more information. You can discontinue the alerts or change the options whenever you wish.

Any questions? Ring me up or send me an email. Glad to help!  Al